Projects |
FarAogh e Ilm Educational Scholarship |
A unique, nationwide, comprehensive and multilateral project aimed at elimination of literacy and safeguarding the future of students. |
The scholar ship is awarded to orphan, handicapped and needy students studying in Government sector schools. |
The scholarship is awarded to students from matriculation to graduate level studying in the field of science. |
It is mandatory for students who wish to avail the scholarship to achieve above 75% marks in all internal and external examinations of their institutions. |
The final decision for the award of scholarship is rests with the Faroagh-e-Ilm Educational Committee. |
To ensure the self respect of the awardees the scholarships are issued through money order. |
The Trust keeps a constant connection with the students through mail. |
Along with the educational guidance and moral upbringing, the ideology of Pakistan is also elucidated in the young hearts. |
A pledge to financially help at least five students is taken from the awardees when they have entered into their practical lives. |
It is obligatory for the awardees to pledge to remain forever faithful to the interests of Pakistan and that they would always be ready to help their fellow Pakistanis. |
Al-Ilm Girls High School (Fatima tuZZAhra Campus, ShamshATtu, Peshawar) |
The north western province of Pakistan has been suffering from unrest and terrorism for the past three decades. |
The destruction of infrastructure, tribal norms and social conditions has reduced the resources for modern education for girls to minimal. |
10 years ago, the girls of Shamshtu, an outskirt of Peshawar were forbidden to receive any kind of education at all. In such a dismal situation the volunteers of Himmat Trust established a primary school for girls in 2000. |
The girls of the locality were so keen for education that even 20 year old girls came forward to get admission in the first grade. |
The volunteers of the Trust had to face harsh attitude and vehement opposition from some conservative factions. However through sheer determination, faithfulness to the cause and constant connection with the parents of the student the primary school was converted to a high school and then to a girls college. |
All the students of the school are given free books, bags, stationary and uniforms. |
Every year the Trust honors the outstanding students with certificates and prizes. |
Teachers showing exceptional performance are honored as well. |
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